Lessons we learned from our first 200 users

A week ago, we reached 200 users for our SaaS solution (social media). We expected to hit this number by May.

We’ve learned 2 lessons from this milestone that I want to take the time to share with you:

Lesson 1: You don’t know how good your solution is until it’s tested in the real world.

In the beginning you have great ideas. By the end you have great ideas. In the middle you realize that your great ideas weren’t that great after all.

We assumed (educated guess) that our software is great enough to ask the customer to pay for a trial and then afterwards pay for a subscription. But we were wrong. Instead, we saw:

– 21% conversions for trial offer.
– 2% conversion for subscription offer.
Our solution is not living up to our users expectations (or the ones we set). Ouch. But necessary.

Lesson 2: You’re not ready for the unexpected.

Our plan was to launch on Product Hunt, get a high place and go from there to 2000 customers. What happened instead was a ranking below the top 12 launches. Essentially we didn’t “make it”. But then something unexpected happened:

We got featured on a popular and trusted AI newsletter (Superhuman, anyone?) and a Spanish newsletter (who 1-to-1 copied the other one).

They had found us on Product Hunt and they liked our idea enough to feature us.

Wow. Grateful.

That’s all. I know these lessons aren’t new. But sometimes you just need to go through it yourself to actually understand them. I wish the same for you!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42778134

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