Show HN: Targeted Graph Retrieval for better LLM memory

Hi Guys! This is a quick demo of AffinityRAG. Ask it a question, and it will fetch sub-graphs from a larger knowledge graph (Alex’s medical history) and answer your queries BETTER than just RAG. I’ve built a lot more since then and will open-source it if you guys want it. I hope you see the potential!

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Show HN: I made a PDF managment tools website using only open source software

I’ve been working on this website for the past 12 months or so, front-end is mostly next.js, back-end is a combination of python flask and node.js, some open source tools I used on the server side to implement the tools include libreoffice, ghostscript, libretranslate and google’s tesseract-ocr

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Points: 1

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