Ask HN: How to obfuscate an email on a website in 2024?

I’m making a simple, static website for someone’s small (one-person) enterprise. We’d like to put the email on the site, but I’m a bit afraid of spammers. What are reasonable practices to obfuscate the email in 2024? I can think of at least two simple (?) approaches:

“Contact me at blah(at)bleh.bloh”

(which I personally don’t like), or using some homoglyph (like Cyrillic “а” instead of Latin “a”) and writing a simple JS function which will change it to normal, Latin “a” after e.g. the first click/keypress on the page (so that when a human actually copies the email, it is ok, but there is no visible change in its appearance).

Are these ideas good? Why/why not? If not, what are better ones?

Note: the person I’m doing it for does not want to change the email provider nor create any email account/alias other than what they have now.

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