Tag: node
Running Obyte wallet on headless RaspberryPi 3+
Let’s build and run headless Obyte wallet on RaspberryPi 3+. We’re going to run Obyte light node. Running full node is too slow to sync and the first database buildup can take weeks-months to complete Raspberry Pi 3+. I also tried to do the full node syncing on another computer and then copied that DB into…
Adding content programmatically in Drupal 7
Sometimes you really need to add content programmatically and here’s a little sample about the basics. $node = new stdClass(); // Set content type $node->type = ‘article’; // Prepare defaults node_object_prepare($node); // Define language (currently language neutral) $node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; // Basic content $node->title = ‘Test’; $node->body[$node->language][0][‘value’] = ‘Body text’; // Example if using custom…