Category: Mobile

  • Master Coding Skills by Gaming | Learn Programming

    Master Coding Skills by Gaming | Learn Programming

    Unlock the fun of coding! With our approach, you’ll learn programming by playing and gain essential skills through interactive games. Dive in now!

  • Android apk keystore signing for store

    Android apk keystore signing for store

    Keystore First think you need to do is to generate keystore file for project. Store apps needs to be signed with that and its always good to have separated keystore for each app. Keep that securely cause you need this everytime youre updating your app on store. You can generate also using various IDEs like NetBeans, Eclipse,…

  • Most promising mobile UI frameworks

    Most promising mobile UI frameworks

    Simple list of some well known mobile UI frameworks you may want to use on your next mobile web project. jQuery Mobile Touch-Optimized Web Framework for Smartphones & Tablets jQTouch A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices Sencha Touch The First HTML5 Mobile Web App Framework…