My husband told me one of the greatest things about me is I “allow” him to participate in his hobbies… what is that saying?

My (31f) husband (33m) is a big outdoors guy. He likes to hike, fish, hunt – all that stuff. I often go with him, but he’s usually out there alone or with a friend.

The other day he told me one of the biggest things he appreciates about me is that I “allow” him to go out and do these things regularly. Apparently many of his friends and colleagues have spouses that keep them from participating in their hobbies, because they want them home more. Even if they don’t have kids (which we don’t).

We split the chores and he makes sure to get his portion of things done between when he goes out.

I personally feel happy for him that he has something he enjoys so much, he always comes back in a good mood, and I enjoy my time alone or doing my own thing with friends.

Is it really that common for other couples not to allow their partner to partake in their hobbies? Of all the things about me, it kind of makes me sad that this is what he appreciates the most lol.


submitted by /u/moosnews to r/AskMenAdvice
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