AIO I Turned Off the Super Bowl and My BF Lost It

Okay, so I have been dating my boyfriend for almost a year now, and yesterday, we got into a huge argument over the Super Bowl. He had his friends over at our place to watch the game, which was fine. I wasn’t really into football, but I was cool with them hanging out.

Everything was okay at first, but then out of nowhere he tells me, “Hey, can you go grab us some more drinks? We’re out.” I kinda laughed at first because I thought he was joking, but then he literally paused, looked at me, and said, “No, seriously, just go real quick.” Like I was some waitress or something. I told him he should’ve stocked up earlier and that I didn’t really feel like running to the store in the middle of the game for something he should’ve planned for. But instead of just accepting that, he got all pissy and was like, “It’s not a big deal, just go, we’re watching the game.”

At that point I was already annoyed because I was literally sitting there, minding my business, and now I’m expected to leave just because he and his friends didn’t think ahead? So I told him no, and he kept pushing it, saying I was “making this harder than it needed to be.”

So yeah, I got mad. And maybe I was being petty, but I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. I told him that if he cared so much about the drinks, he could go get them himself.

He flipped out. His friends just kinda sat there awkwardly, but he was furious, saying I was being “dramatic” and “ruining the night over nothing.” He stormed out to go get the drinks himself, and when he got back, he barely talked to me for the rest of the night.

Now today he’s still mad and told me I embarrassed him in front of his friends. I feel like he was the one being entitled, but now I’m second-guessing myself. Like, did I overreact by turning off the game? Should I have just let it go?

submitted by /u/WetGap21 to r/AmIOverreacting
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