My husband said that if I went back to work, he will divorce and fight for sole custody. He will pay me my salary to stay home

I (f40) am due in 3 weeks. My husband (m36) said that he didn’t want me to go back to work afterwards. I was shocked because this is something he never have talked about before. But he said that circumstances changed and if it was about money, he will pay me my salary.

Now I started to think about the gym he built in our basement. He said that now I didn’t have to go to my gym because I have one here. He makes all grocery shopping too or he asks me to make it delivered.

I have never agreed to this. I love my job and he knows that. But he said his decision is final and that I should be grateful. He encouraged me to ask anyone if they would stop working if someone paid them and see what they would answer. Mom said she definitely would stop working. I didn’t ask the rest of my family because he had this I told you so expression on his face. What is your answer?

submitted by /u/Current-Ad562 to r/self
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